Hand-to-Hand Combatives

Did you know that nearly 2/3 of all fights end up on the ground? As a former student of mixed martial arts with an emphasis on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, and having completed the Modern Army Combatives Program Level 3, I’ll teach you the basics of hand-to-hand combat.

The 3 phases of the basic fight strategy are to close the distance, gain a dominant body position, and finish the fight. You will learn striking using punches and kicks, techniques from the clinch, the 4 dominant body positions, and different types of chokes, locks, and holds. When you can’t avoid a fight, you must know how to finish it!

NRA™ Basic Level Pistol Course

The National Rifle Association’s Basics of Pistol Shooting Course is a great way for you to learn the basics of pistol shooting from the top firearms training organization in the world! Never been around firearms? Have no fear.

We are highly trained, and highly experienced, and want to share our knowledge with you! You’ll learn Essential Gun Safety Rules, Different Types of Pistols and Which Is Best For You, The Basics of Ammunition, The Fundamentals of Pistol Shooting, Different Shooting Positions, The Most Common Shooting Errors, Proper Gun Cleaning and Maintenance, and How to Maintain Your Skills.

USCCA™ Concealed Carry & Home Defense

A HIGHLY recommended course suggested for any and all personnel that seek to possess a CCW permit. Whether you are a seasoned shooter who’s been hunting his/her whole life or a senior citizen who has never touched a gun before, you should take this course for educational and if nothing else, refresher purposes! I will give you the ins and outs of Concealed Carry and Home Defense Fundamentals, to include Developing a Personal & Home Protection Plan, The Legal Use of Force, Self Defense Firearms Basics, Violent Encounters, and Their Aftermath, Shooting Fundamentals, and Gear/Gadgets.

Tactical Trauma Care & First Aid

Our TTC/FA course is designed to be a middle step between self/buddy aid and more advanced life support practices used by professionals. We are T-CCC and Stop the Bleed Certified Instructors. The focus is on time-sensitive trauma care with an emphasis on the ABCs (Airway, Breathing, Circulation) and stopping the bleed.

You’ll also learn how to deal with other issues, such as sucking chest wounds, splinting fractures, and applying a nasopharyngeal. Medical emergencies can happen any time, anywhere. Whether you are in a tactical environment or are first on the scene of a car wreck, this course will give you the skills to confidently give the proper aid.

Bushcraft & Survival

Bushcraft is the art of survival. The famous adage, “Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst”, is how you must live. With the world going the way it is, this skill set may become essential one day in our lifetime. In the last century, we have gone from relying on ourselves to relying on technology.

We have lost our most primal self and the skills that mankind developed over many thousands of years. In this course, you will learn how to provide for yourself with land navigation, building shelter, obtaining food and water, and making fire/warmth. This is an overnight course, so be prepared.

The Total Package

The Total Package is a 5-day course that combines all individual courses into one complete program. Each day will start at 0800 and last no later than 1700 (8 AM-5 PM for my non-military time friends).

  • Day 1:
    0800-1200 – Combatives
    1200-1300 – Lunch
    1300-1700 – TTC/FA
  • Day 2:
    0800-1700 – NRA Basics of Pistol
  • Day 3:
    0800-1700 – USCCA Concealed Carry & Home Defense
  • Day 4:
    0800-1200 – Range Qualification
    1200-1300 – Lunch / Movement to Bushcraft Site
    1300-1700 – Bushcraft Part 1
    1700-1830 – Dinner
    1830-2000 – Camp Fire
    2000 – Bed Down
  • Day 5:
    0800-1400 – Bushcraft Part 2
    1400-1415 – Course Critique
    1415-1430 – Graduation Ceremony
    1430 – Depart